Thursday, December 18, 2014

Spaghetti Squash

This last summer we had great weather for gardening. The down side is I am still working on getting everything preserved. I am finally done! I saved the spaghetti squash and butternut squash for last. Both are winter squash and you can keep for a month or 2 after being picked if kept in a cool dry place. 

First I did the butternut squash. Many people say you have to cook and mash them before you freeze them. I do not do this. I never know how I am going to cook them thru out the year. Sometimes I like them in cubes with a little salt and pepper and sometimes I like to mash them. So I make this super easy and all I do is peel them, cube them and freeze them. 

Do not make preserving your veggies for the year harder then it needs to be. I am a firm believer that people make gardening and canning more complicated then it needs to be and then many people give up.

One very important step is to label and date everything! We other you are canning or freezing. My first year I was let's say lazy and naïve. I thought it would be ok and not label everything well then I was cleaning out the freezer and grab a bag and I can't tell what it even is anymore. And frozen beans look an awful lot like green peppers. Evening canning, you can usually tell what is in the jar but not how old it is. We had to toss A lot of green beans because we didn't know how old they were.

I finished with the spaghetti squash. Spaghetti squash on the other hand does have to be cooked before you freeze it. So to start cut the squash in half and remove the seeds. 

Place them flesh down on a pan or cookie sheet. You can put olive oil and salt and pepper on the flesh before you bake. I only season themif I plan to eat them right away.

Now bake at 350 degrees for around 50 min. You will know they are ready when you can easily pierce with a fork.

Now allow them to cool until you can easily handle them. Then with a fork you "shred" them. In all reality they just kind of fall apart looking like spaghetti.

Now let them sit in the fridge until cool.

I cooked some of the squash for dinner and the rest I froze. Freezing is just as easy put in freezer bag squeeze out air and freeze. Don't forget to label.

Now everyone talks about using spaghetti squash as a health alternative when making spaghetti (also make an amazing chicken Alfredo) but I love it as a side dish. 

What I use:
1 spaghetti squash -baked and shredded
3 tablespoons of butter(margarine is fine if that is what you have.)
Chopped garlic
Salt and pepper

Melt butter in large skillet and then add the squash and gently toss in butter to coat the squash. If using hot squash from the oven you can add the herbs right away. If you have refrigerated the squash continue over medium heat until squash is warm, around 3 min.  Add the herbs I don't measure them but it is about 2 cloves of garlic or 1 1/2 tablespoons, 1 tablespoon of basil and slat and pepper to taste.

Super easy yet super yummy. I love making this as a side for some baked chicken.

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