Friday, May 18, 2012

a bit about me

Hi All!! Just wanted to let you all know a little about me.  I am a carefree easy going mom of 3 and have been married to a wonderful man for 10 years.  I am a homemaker but I despise cleaning and most of the time my house shows it.  I love to garden and sew and general crafting things but my biggest passion is cooking.  This week I am doing a dinners list.  I have already made my shopping list and gone to the store. While I am excited to try all the new foods I was not as excited when it came time to pay for the food. I spent $196 this week which is a good $50-$60 more then I normally spend in a week but if they are as good as I am hoping they will be it might just be worth the extra cost.  Well I hope you all enjoy seeing and hopfully then cooking the things I find yummy!!!

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