Sunday, May 27, 2012

Grilled BBQ Corn

Today I can just feel summer in the air.  I got up and took a nice bike ride before the heat came and got some weeds pulled from my garden.  I also hung my laundry out on the line for the first time this year!!!!  You just have to love summer!!! Nothing says summer to me more then Grilled BBQ Corn. I use fresh corn when I have it but frozen corn works well too.  First I boil the corn in some sugar water to msake sure it is nice and soft. Then take it out and dry it before spreading some BBQ sauce on it (BBQ recipe below but any sauce you like will also work.)
Then I just throw them on the grilled until I get a little bit of blackened spots.
These are so good and sure to be a hit at any BBQ.

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